Abstract Submission for CAG30

Abstracts will be accepted for either oral or poster presentations and will be reviewed and accepted by the scientific committee. The abstracts are expected to follow the format as outlined in the abstract template for CAG30 on this page. Please note that the deadline to submit abstracts is 15th March 2025

English will be the official language of CAG30. We kindly ask all participants to prepare abstracts, posters, and oral presentations in English.

Abstract Format

      • Title: Must be in Arial, 14pt, Bold

      • Authors’ names: Must be in bold Arial 11pt

      • Affiliations: Authors’ affiliations should be in Arial italic 10pt. Use letters (A, B, etc.) to match affiliations with authors.

    • Corresponding author’s email address: Must be provided, in italic and underlined (e.g., author1@cag30.org)


The abstract should include the following sections:

      • Introduction: Outline of the paper, including the objectives and methodology used.

      • Results: Major findings of the research.

    • Discussion and Conclusion: Brief discussion of the results and a concluding statement.

Format of Abstract

      • Main text should be written in Arial 11pt, single line spacing, justified, and within a single paragraph.

      • Abstract should not exceed 500 words.

    • Keywords: Maximum of 5 words.

Call for Proposals of Sessions, Meetings, Workshops, and Short Courses

The Local Organizing Committee invites everyone to propose:


All themes are allowed to have multiple sessions with conveners. Interested candidates wishing to set up a session should fill in an online form (https://cag30nbi.org/registration) or send an email to cag30info@cag30nbi.org or cag30.nbi@gmail.com with the following details:

      • Session Title: (Max 150 characters including spaces)

      • Short Description: (Max 1500 characters including spaces)

      • Lead Convener: (Name, affiliation, and email address)

      • Co-conveners: (Names, affiliations, and email addresses)

      • Keywords: (Max 6)

    • Related Scientific Theme Number: Please reference the relevant theme.

Session proposals must be submitted by 28 February 2025.

Workshops and Short Courses

We invite the submission of workshop and short course proposals. Workshops will be held either pre- or post-Scientific Program of oral and poster sessions. If interested in proposing a workshop/short course, please provide the following information:

      • Convener(s)’ Address: (Name, affiliation, and email addresses)

      • Workshop/Short Course Title: (Max 150 characters including spaces)

      • Indicate Pre or Post Scientific Program

    • Short Description: (Max 1500 characters including spaces)

Proposals can be submitted via the online form (https://cag30nbi.org/) or by emailing cag30info@cag30nbi.org or cag30.nbi@gmail.com 

. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 15 March 2025.

Business Meetings

We encourage proposals for business meetings to be held during CAG30. The deadline for submission is 1 August 2025.